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  1. fat cunt had one good season now he''s sacked off down to the level he should be at.
  2. I dont understand how some of you can have soft spots for other teams in the same league. Benders
  3. Arsenal?! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4ye025iQo1r64g7r.gif[/img] Mines Ipswich! [img]http://fireden.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/cage2.gif.gif[/img]
  4. Errrr, someone like Wigan maybe? He''d be better in the SPL, more his pace of football.
  5. I rate we''ll be in for Jones from Stoke or possibly even Altidore if it falls through with Blunderland.
  6. Calm down soft chops, I''m a season ticket holder. I just dont rate him as high as you lot.
  7. [quote user="Norfolk Mustard"]If Mignolet is considered worth £11m, then goodness knows what Ruddy''s market value is! Got to be £15m+? Even for that we should not sell as he spreads so much confidence throughout the team.[/quote]So Ruddy is worth 15mil+ what is Begovic worth? The few times I''ve seen him he looks head and shoulders above Ruddy. The only thing Ruddy has on his side is the fact he''s English.
  8. Well we already know the highlight of your day is waking up and checking the transfer news.[img]http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/pdiddy-cash.gif[/img]
  9. What an amazing, interesting and fulfilling life you lead. /sarcasm
  10. I cant believe some people ITT think he will actually go for £10 million. More like £6-8 million at the most!
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