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Miss Jane Marple

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Everything posted by Miss Jane Marple

  1. Would you prefer to be called a stag then, my dear Nexus_Canary? [;)]
  2. My dears, that nice man on radio Norfolk has said it''s the same team as last week,apart from that nice boy Ryan Bennett being in for the injured Michael Turner. I hope he gets better soon.
  3. Thankyou for a comprehensive and concise report, my dear Ricardo.
  4. My dears, I think you will find with home tickets Season Ticket Holders get first dibs for all cup games. There is a clear leaflet sent with all season tickets and membership cards explaining when tickets are available and to whom throughout the season.
  5. My dear Lord Horn, many thanks for drawing our attention to the awful situation that is in Qatar. I have signed the petition and hope the many people who complained at paying £30 for a ticket against Spurs will be encouraged to sign also. Workers paying with their lives for football shows what a wicked system is in place in that country.    
  6. [quote user="Captain Haddocks Fish Supper"] Can''t have too many  herrings Miss Jane.  Perhaps you and me should get together and try some on my boat down at Yarmouth.   I caught some fresh yesterday, up just off Cromer.      How''s about it?  Fresh herrings and an evening with Cap''n Haddock - how can you resist??  [/quote]   My dear Captain haddock, how forward of you! I actually prefer a nice piece of fresh haddock. You may have read that story about me called ''The Thumb Mark of St Peter''. That will explain why. 
  7. Can you my dear Nutty? How embarrassing. A man should never see the underwear of a woman unless he is married to her.   I neglected to clarify this figure of £250,000 is Mr Calderwood''s basic salary. I do not know about his bonuses. Perhaps someone else does.
  8. I think, my dears, there are far too many red herrings on this board. But there it is.  
  9. My dear a1canary, I believe in using my local stores. You cannot beat their knowledge of knowing their stock and provenance of said stock.
  10. Seeing through people is very important in some cases, especially when real wickedness is at hand from those we think we know but in fact we don''t really know at all. But there it is. Some people present one face to the world but a wicked one in the home.   On the matter of salaries, I understand my dear Purple that Mr Calderwood is receiving something in the region of £250,000. It stands to reason that Mr McNally would get more.
  11. My dear Mungo. Do you ever say anything pleasant about any Norwich player?   I say, Howson is a very nice boy. I''ve heard he has very good manners.
  12. Suffolk - somewhere to travel through rather than stop.
  13. Our lovely England ladies team has played here too my dears
  14. My dear Striker, are you saying a national newspaper would never print anything that was incorrect?
  15. Adam Faith was a very nice man. His grand-daughter is also charming. Although it is many years since I saw her with him, for obvious reasons.
  16. [quote user="Matt Juler"]I normally try to get to a non-league game, but I think I''d better turn up for my 3pm wedding this Saturday instead! Obviously planned 18 months ago to fall on International weekend. [/quote]   My dear Matt, many felicitations on your impending wedding. How nice to hear of a young couple entering into matrimony. May you be very happy together.     
  17. [quote user="Wiz"] [quote user="BWs Cat"]So now wiz you have taken to using supernatural threats? And I dare say with my genetic jackpot I think I have already recieved my karma in advance.[/quote]   Not a threat,  just an observation.   But its something I recall from years ago, and I still feel uneasy recanting it. [/quote]   My dear Wiz. I quite understand what you mean about people getting their just deserts.    I recall a story of a rather nasty man who used to knock his wife about when he lived in Yorkshire, as told to me by my dear friend, James Herriott. The man concerned was said to have no feelings by his wife but when he needed a tetnus injection, the doctor was none too gentle and rammed it into his flabby backside (the doctor''s words), exclaiming that he clearly had feelings judging by the way he yelled in pain when the needle went in. No less than he deserved. Wickedness should never be tolerated and that husband was wicked.
  18. [quote user="PurpleCanary"] [quote user="ROBFLECK"]Ricardo, could you give us a report of the forum please... Your reports after the game are a good read, so wouldn''t mind one after the forum... Can''t make it myself so wouldn''t mind some feedback guys... I just hope it aren''t the usual standard, evasive answers..."we''re gonna do everything we can, etc..." Thanks in advance Rob[/quote]   It is not worth a specific question, but if there is a mention of when the 2012 accounts are going to be published that would be useful for myelf and the other Fag Packets.[8-|] Thanks in advance.   [/quote]   I understand, my dear PurpleCanary, that they were due at the end of October in readiness for the AGM in Novermber.    
  19. A good armchair assists with good posture, my dears, whilst you''re listening to the match on BBC Radio Norfolk and sipping a cup of Earl Grey.
  20. [quote user="Pudd"][quote user="City1st"]City would lose £1.4m in gate income from lost capacity while building work was in progress and it would take nine years to pay back the building cost[/quote] I''m really in two minds over this. The demand is clear - we regularly filled the stadium when in the third tier, but now it''s a closed shop... we''re at capacity and that means no room for youngsters to get season tickets when they''re getting into football etc.... We all know from experience that following football is addictive. While the ground remains full to capacity, and virtually impossible for new supporters to come along, less people will have the exposure to the live football which may get them hooked. Also, I''m not sure those figures account for knock on increased revenues... larger crowds means more valuable sponsorship opportunities, more teas, beers and pies sold at half time, more shirts being sold, and therefore more yellow and green in town promoting the club further. On the other hand, we also saw the damage that investing in bricks and mortar did when the team really needed that investment in the past. As much as I''d like the club to have a 35,000 seater stadium (which I think is about the right size for us), I''m swaying towards thinking it''s still a few years away from being the right move overall. JP[/quote] With factors such as the demise of FONCY, the withdrawing of NCFC from its previous incarnation as a family-friendly club, the CEO keeping his cards close to his chest and the further economic turmoil the country finds itself in, my dear Pudd, I fear that should relegation become apparent in the not too distant future then things may not be quite as rosy in the garden. I foresee more fans being ousted out from being a season ticket holder by the simple fact of not enough money to renew encompassed by the above factors.
  21. [quote user="PurpleCanary"]Congratulations to everyone involved in this over the years. A fantastic effort.[/quote]   Well said my dear Purple Canary. It is clear many City fans have donated to this worthy cause over the years since its formation.
  22. [quote user="Shaker Maker"]He''s still here.Come on Holty... you can fix this. [/quote]My dear Shaker Maker, I think you will find it is Bob the Builder who fixes things not Grant Holt.
  23. [quote user="Canarygeorge"]By the way, Declan Rudd & Korey Smith were both born on the same day, 16-01-1991. They could be twins! ok, ok, i know, only joking.[/quote]My dear Canarygeorge, many a true word is oft spoken in jest. Whilst being extremely unlikely in this particular case, it is possible, albeit mathematically nearer zero than one according to the laws of probability, for twins to be born of different colours.There was a story in the press over the last couple of years where a mother gave birth to twins, one white and one black. It transpired there was negro blood in her family from several generations previously which was hitherto unknown.
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