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  1. [quote user="UEA Canary"]ryegorg i hope your day of redmeption is a slow and painful one. believe me ryegorg i am a powerful person and i will bring u down. youve been warned, stay away from here or i will unleash some horrific pain on you. thank you that is all[/quote] It will not be, however your might be endless. You are not even a proper canaries fan I expect.
  2. "You, quite clearly, have no understanding of what ''tongue in cheek'' means " Nor do I need to. You need to learn some manners however, you have been reported. Now I think you are definately sorry!
  3. [quote user="Graham Humphrey"][quote user="Ryegorg"]Joking about the Trinity is not funny. When the day of redemption comes the sinners will be cast off.[/quote] So beware people - joke about our front three of Holt, Hoolahan and Martin''s potential in the Championship at your peril... [/quote] Stop mocking me! You will regret this, all of you, when the day of redemption comes it will be too late.
  4. [quote user="AJ"] [quote user="Ryegorg"]Joking about the Trinity is not funny. When the day of redemption comes the sinners will be cast off.[/quote] No kidding, Trinity is very butch, she will kick your ass. It''s proven in the film The Matrix! [/quote] I will report you if you do not apologise, I''m sure that idiot Peter won''t understand your ''funny'' comments.
  5. "You could aim it at those annoying posters who take you too seriously lol" What a silly comment, maybe you need a hit round your head to knock some sense into you! HaHa
  6. Joking about the Trinity is not funny. When the day of redemption comes the sinners will be cast off.
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