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  1. No he should have even been offered the job! Why was he ? Because they wanted a cheap option probably! Everyone is worried about the next manager and quite rightly, but seem to have dismissed Gunny as a  no hoper, and while this may have been true as a manager, he is also a legend who has also worked hard for the club at many levels, not just as a player, and now after a few months when he should have just been a caretaker manager, to  tide them over, maybe with his previous job to fall back, he has now been discarded by the board in an inappropriate way.
  2. I have been involved and supported since my grandad went to get the Pink-Un every Sat eve. Now after the despicable behaviour of the so called people in charge I feel I can no longer be involved in any way. Bryan Gunn was a true Canary through and through and a true gent ( after several chats with him). When he was appointed Manager I knew that he would be made a scapegoat at some point. He should have left them in the lurch but that was not his way, and now he pays. Did he not perform well as an ambassador for the club? Why not reinstate him in his old position or similar? Why does the club have to lose a great guy? Although many of City''s so called rejects go on to make a lot better life for themselves, so who knows he might be better off without them. Why have people put up with this?
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