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Everything posted by Neil_MacLeod

  1. Dont palk like a prize pr@t, Who is to say i cant have an opinion because i cant get to many matches, I prove my loyalty by keeping my season ticket.
  2. Season ticket holder (snakepit) but unable to go to mant matches due to working in Dubai and living in Bangkok, Friends and family have full use of my ticket.   OTBC Macca
  3. [quote user="Canaries in Bed"]They all earn far too much money in my mind. 8k a week is enough.[/quote] As i said in my previous post, Its supply and demand, Like you would turn down a wage increase...Its human nature my friend. Macca
  4. How do you make it 200k a year for 20 years? remember the 8k a week is subject to Tax and Ni! glad your not my accountant
  5. of course we are broke you Clown...we are in debt
  6. Its easy, If a football club wishes to have a Cap on wages then you have to expect players not to want to play for the club, as in every business it boils down to supply and demand...Its not rocket science Macca
  7. If this is true then i am sure that this will prevent us from signing players, Yes Jas footballers are a greedy bunch, but i am sure you would do the same if you had the chance. As i have said before 8k may seem like a lot of money but when you take the figures and work out what a footballer needs to have saved to allow himself to live off for the 20 years or so before he can start to live off his pension, If it is true regarding a 8k a week cap then i think that would work against us when signing players as i am sure many other clubs are willing to reward players with higher wages. Just my opinion of course! Macca
  8. 8k a week is not as much as you think, when you take into consideration that a player will have at least 20 years before he is able to draw on any pensions. it sounds alot but being realistic its not
  9. People,             Obviously things are not as plain and simple as you would all like to think, The board have invested in the club and in in many cases put more money into the club then many people on here will ever see in their life, So they want the best return for the investment (Gamble). Im sure that if all of us were in their position we to would want our just rewards as do they...Remember football is no longer just a game its a business...wake up and smell the coffee!   OTBC   Macca
  10. Born in Lowestoft (Dont hold that against me please!) Have house in Thorpe St Andrews, Live in Bangkok, Working between Dubai and Qatar..
  11. Carrow road could be a safe bet...Dont you think?  
  12. Great post, At last someone who has written something constructive and not the usual rubbish written by what seems to be school children
  13. Somewhere in the snakepit, unfortunatly i have a season ticket but work in Dubai and live in Bangkok so i give my ticket o friends.   OTBC
  14. Work in Dubai and Qatar for LNG company as an Inspector,
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