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Prince of Darkness

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Posts posted by Prince of Darkness

  1. People blame the manager, the players etc for our continued failures but they continue to happen no matter who the manager is

    The only constant and the root cause of the problem is our championship standard board until this is resolved we will always struggle to progress

  2. Having mentioned a couple of times that the best direction for the club is getting rid of mcnasty and reappointing the Messiah

    Whilst Neil and McNasty continue to humiliate the club the Messiah at Blackburn is quickly transforming that club like he did with ours.

    I was dead right on that point and I am equally dead right that the Stowmarket 2 are doing a god awful job of running the club and need to sell up quickly certainly in the next few months to allow us to start to rebuild the club with the Messiah leading the club

    In your heart of hearts you know I am correct so let''s all get behind my campaign for new leadership of the club in the board room and on the pitch

  3. This problem is so easy to fix its embarrassing that our tin pot Board don''t see it it won''t act.

    The Blackburn Manager has got off to a flyer.

    Despite what some people say on this board it is nonsense to say that the Stowmarket 2 have the best interests of the club at heart. If they did they would ask the CEO to put his ego aside and do what is right for the club or to put it another way appointment the Blackburn Manager.

    Don''t blame Neil he is out of his depth blame our championship standard board
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