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Web Team - Celia Sutton

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Everything posted by Web Team - Celia Sutton

  1. http://www.pinkun.com/content/ncfc/story.aspx?brand=PINKUNOnline&category=Norwich&tBrand=PINKUNOnline&tCategory=Norwich&itemid=NOED20%20Oct%202007%2015%3A00%3A00%3A353
  2. Bet365 did have odds up the other day, which is what was quoted in the Evening News site, bt now they''ve dropped that bet for something else
  3. Cluck - one more post as ''web team -cluck'' and it will be deleted. You know it makes sense. Celia
  4. This story came from the Evening News - I''ve passed the query on to their acting editor.
  5. He is not part of the web team, he''s being naughty and he will be changing this. Celia
  6. Cheeky Cluck, Change your name back from ''web team'' and stop implying we delete posts we don''t agree with. This is a first friendly warning! Celia
  7. Poll on Grant on the EDP home page: http://new.edp24.co.uk/Default.aspx
  8. Good question ... perhaps it''s a clue to the next manager... I''ll go and take it away. Celia
  9. No apology needed - you''re passionate about what you believe in and that''s what matters! Hope the flu gets better ... and the performances ... Celia
  10. Not a problem - I''m happy to debate why messages are edited or don''t get through - trouble is at my age I forget ... Doh ... Anyway I have to say thanks to everyone who does post on here -  I have the honour of giving a presentation on the site to the Archant editorial conference next month ... as it''s all about participation, what message would you like me to give? Celia.
  11. If you seriously think I have the know-how to split a thread, just ask my colleagues Pete and Vince! I keep it very simple... Celia
  12. Hi Fram, Just spotted your signature. Please change it. Thanks Celia
  13. Match report now on the Pink Un home page - from David Cuffley. Celia
  14. Cluck - that wasn''t exactly what you said before - thanks for the clarification..... and it''s nice to see you have an interest in morris dancing traditions. Celia
  15. Many apologies, but I''m on duty this weekend and my connection from home to work has gone down, so I can only moderate when I''m actually in the office. (Unless IS manage to mend it). Possibly one of the other mods will take a look... Sorry Celia
  16. Morning all - thought you might like to know - there''s a feature on NCFC groundsman Gary Kemp on the Evening News site - via this link: http://tinyurl.com/2yhp9g Celia
  17. You mean Pete, Vince and the rest of us are not lovely, pink, fluffy and cuddly already? That''s a blow ... Celia (lovely, pink, fluffy and cuddly? Err, no)
  18. It''s here - on the EDP site - http://new.edp24.co.uk/content/interviews/NewsQA/
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